Splash Pad and Finger Painted Flags

Thursday, May 20, 2010 5:09 PM Posted by The Cookie Cutter Diva 0 comments

Today we had an early morning field trip to start off our day and met with a mom's group I'm in for an hour at the local splash pad! The kids always love to meet there and run free through the water and it was so beautiful today! Not to hot! Just nice, sunny, beautiful and a little breeze!

My two middle children didn't seem interested long at all today for some reason and about 20 minutes after getting there were ready to head home. But the oldest was having fun so Nana got them occupied at the park next door for a bit!

After we were done we grabbed a quick lunch and then headed home and they spent some time out in the pool swimming and then started our school day!

We did a lot of fun stuff today. Continued to examine our See Through Egg project and for Art's and Craft's we made a Finger Painted Flag for fun!

What kid doesn't love finger paints?! So they each made a flag and then got to paint a few pictures of their own for fun!

I've been working with my oldest on learning how to write in cursive this week as well. This has sparked a big interest in him. He thinks it's so interesting how different some of the letters look and has been having fun learning the different lower case letters.