We made a trip back home to Oklahoma to visit family on Sunday for about a week! Arrived safely and my childs way of amusing himself on the 5hr trip was drawing a muschace and beard and making funny faces at people along the way lol
We've been enjoying the visit so far and I've been catching up on some much needed sleep! I needed a break from everything going on in normal life from medical appointments and other stresses and just to recoop and see family.
The kids have been swimming in my parents pool every day and loving that they have a big pool right out the door to enjoy!
Haven't figured out what to do for the 4th of July just yet since there are fire bans but trying to plan out something hopefully exciting for the kids!
If you're into online groups you should check out two groups I run! The Coupon Mafia Moms and Cookie Cutter Divas Recipe Swapping in my links on the right!