Veggie Tales, Mammals, letter K and more!

Friday, December 5, 2014 12:50 PM Posted by The Cookie Cutter Diva 0 comments
This weekend we had a really fun weekend and had a Veggie Tales In The House Playdate! I was chosen from house party to participate in this and got a box full of goodies from a veggie tales dvd, a gift card for 3 months free of Netflix, goodies for 12 kids including tattoos, stickers, masks, activity sheets and decorations!

I made a Bob the Tomato cake for our party as well! The kids had so much fun playing games like toss the balloon and see which team could keep it in the air the longest! Pop the balloon! Freeze dance to veggie tales songs! Colored some coloring sheets and did the activity sheets and watched the movie!

I love when I get chosen for these and get to get goodies to surprise my kids and their friends with for fun!

The kids have been having fun learning about mammals this week and for some fun craft time projects they made bunny baskets

And they also made kangaroos out of toilet paper rolls! Which also went with the letter K that Peyton is learning!

We've been practicing more place values and learning about place values with thousands. Working on homonyms, silent letters like silent t, h, b, g, and l. And studying more on Ancient Greece. She's still working on The Littles for reading and really loves the book so far! She loves to read so much and can spend a majority of her day doing it!

Peyton is working on the letter K this week! She's been practicing writing her name and numbers as well!

She learned some really cute songs for the letter K too! She's been singing them all week!

Ten Baby Kangaroos

Ten baby kangaroos standing in a row
When they see their mama, they bow just so (bow)
They kick to the left (hop to the left)
They kick to the right (hop to the right)
Then they close their eyes & sleep all night. (Put head on hands and pretend to sleep)

Continue with Nine Baby Kangaroos, Eight Baby Kangaroos, etc

Koala Bear

Koala bear, koala bear, Turn around, (Turn around)
Koala bear, koala bear, Touch the ground (Touch the ground)
Koala bear, koala bear, Dance on your toes, (Dance on tip toes)
Koala bear, koala bear, Touch your nose (Touch your nose)
Koala bear, koala bear, Give a little clap, (clap)
Koala bear, koala bear, Take a nap (Put head on hands like sleeping)