Wednesday, March 14, 2012 12:20 AM Posted by The Cookie Cutter Diva 0 comments

Once again I've gotten side tracked from keeping up with my blog! Something I really missed taking out some time to just sit and relax and take a few moments to go over the day!
Time has really flown by! It seems like we just got our orders the other day and finding out that we were a few months from leaving and now the time has come! Next week the movers come to pack us up and a few days later we will be arriving in Leavonworth, KS!
It's a bitter sweet moment right now! After spending 5yrs in Fort Hood, TX I'm very sad to leave what has become home! But I'm also anxious for new places, new beginnings, new sites to see, new experiences with the family!
It's of course spring break here and my goal was to hopefully work over spring break since we didn't have anything going on but that turned into having lots going on and getting nothing done yet! It doesn't seem to work very well when there are so many kids in the neighborhood letting them know it's "spring break" lol And I am all for taking the breaks and normally go on a normal school schedule just so they can play with their friends but with the move coming up I figured it'd be nice to focus this week lol

I thought I would share a few pictures of some art work we have done over the last few weeks!

An Owl Project that my 1st grader did out of paper and then a bird feeder he made out of a milk jug!

There's also a fun kite snack I made for my preschooler during the week she was learning about the letter K!

Volcanos and Rainbows!

12:08 AM Posted by The Cookie Cutter Diva 0 comments

One of our recent science experiments was volcanos! My oldest made a volcano out of playdough, put some baking soda in it and poured vinegar in it and watched it explode!

Another fun experiment we did when learning about rainbows was get a cup of milk, put it in a bowl and put 3 different colors in different courners in the shape of a triangle and watch them blend together like a rainbow!

The Letter M and Bubbles!!

12:04 AM Posted by The Cookie Cutter Diva 0 comments

As Brooklyn learned about the letter M one of the fun activities we did was make a mouse out of the letter M with construction paper, candy, glue, cotton balls, pipe cleaners and more!

We also did a fun home made bubble experiment to go with a lesson about polygons for my oldest son! We made bubble blowers out of piper cleaners in different shapes and used a simple home made bubble recipe with nothing more then water and dish liquid!