To put an extra special end to our spring break this year we decided to head off to San Antonio and use our free once a year pass for military to Sea World!
All 4 of the kids were really excited to go and couldn't wait and have been asking for awhile to go back!
This was an extra special year of course because it was Peyton's first year to go to Sea World! We thought she was just the right age to actually enjoy a few things and boy did she ever! She especially loved that there was a Sesame Street area this year!

this time we went when it was warm enough that they got to enjoy the splash pad area and the water park! Last time it was closed down and we were there just a few weeks to early! So they had a lot of fun with that and of course as usual I didn't get a ton of pictures of the boys because they were off on the "big kid" slides having a blast! Aidan even rode one of the huge roller coasters this year!

we saw a lot of fun shows but the best of all was the one we ended the day with! Azul! They had a lot of dolphins doing stunts and a lot of divers doing some extra special stunts and really high dives! The kids really really loved it!

We spent the hole day there and Peyton tired out by 5pm and got really cranky but she passed out on us and took a little nap and it was better!
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